Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Fox Inheritance

The Book:  The Fox Inheritance by Mary E. Pearson

Summary (taken from author's website):

Once there were three. Three friends who loved each other—Jenna, Locke, and Kara. After a terrible accident destroyed their bodies, their three minds were kept alive, spinning in a digital netherworld. Even in that disembodied nightmare, they were still together. At least at first. When Jenna disappeared, Locke and Kara had to go on without her. Decades passed, and then centuries.

Two-hundred-and-sixty years later, they have been released at last. Given new, perfect bodies, Locke and Kara awaken to a world they know nothing about, where everyone they once knew and loved is long dead.

Everyone except Jenna Fox.

What I Thought: 
I read the first book, The Adoration of Jenna Fox, for a YA Lit class for my masters several years ago and was very surprised at how much in enjoyed it.  When I saw the sequel, I enjoyed re-reading the first book again and was very excited to jump into the new addition to the story.  Perhaps my higher expectations is what made this book less enjoyable for me.  I found this book very different from the first and couldn't really get into the story line until well into the book.  While the we are building our impression of Jenna along with the character as she pieces everything together in the first book, I felt that Locke and Kara, the main characters in this book, were more difficult to support. Locke seemed weak and whiny and hard to place as a character while Kara was "empty" and rather unlikeable thoughout.  This one was much more involved with the sci-fi aspect of the story as well, not my favorite genre, being set in the future and involving a mad scientist.  I still like the first, despite the sci-fi aspect, but wonder if it should have just been left alone with a hopeful Jenna setting out for her unlimited future and Locke and Kara's suffering at an end at the bottom of the pond.

Rating:  4/10

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