Friday, November 12, 2010


The Book: Insatiable by Meg Cabot

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Sick of vampires? So is Meena Harper.
But her boss is making her write about them anyway, even though Meena doesn’t believe in them. Not that Meena isn’t familiar with the supernatural. See, Meena Harper knows how you’re going to die (not that you’re going to believe her; no one ever does). But not even Meena’s precognition can prepare her for what happens when she meets—then makes the mistake of falling in love with—Lucien Antonescu, a modern-day prince with a bit of a dark side . . . a dark side a lot of people, like an ancient society of vampire-hunters, would prefer to see him dead for. 

The problem is, he's already is dead. Maybe that’s why he’s the first guy Meena’s ever met that she could see herself having a future with. See, while Meena’s always been able to see everyone else’s future, she’s never been able look into her own. And while Lucien seems like everything Meena has ever dreamed of in a boyfriend, he might turn out to be more like a nightmare. Now might be a good time for Meena to start learning to predict her own future . . . If she even has one.                             
(Summary from the book cover.)

What I Thought: 

I am a huge fan of Cabot.  Many of her adult books read like romantic comedies or "chick flicks" and usually feature a quick-witted, sarcastic main couple that makes the plot seem more truthful.  I also, though somewhat embarrassing, will admit to enjoying vampire books.  Insatiable seemed, then, to combine two of my favorite literary happenings into one novel.  Although I did enjoy the book, but it didn't quite live up to my expectations.  I found the beginning a little slow, but noticed that as I got into the book, it was difficult to put down.  Once the prince of darkness arrived in New York, things got interesting and I had to know what happened next to Meena, Lucien, and Alaric.  For all the great build up, though, I was a little disappointed by the ending (which seemed to hint at a sequel).  Overall, it was a fun read, but not one of my favorites by Cabot.

Rating:  7/10

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